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Museum Maintenance Project
The Kentucky Mine Museum was built in 1977 and, after all these years, it needs renovation and maintenance. Over the last couple of years we have painted, put in new flooring, repaired, and started a technology project to catalog our artifacts.

The preservation of the stamp mill, one of the few operational stamp mills in the United States, is our highest priority now. Due to the colony of Townsend Big-Eared Bats in the mill and mine tunnel, linseed oil must be used to preserve the stamp mill. Linseed oil was applied to protect the exterior of the building, and plans are in the works to make repairs in the mill and on the portal. It is essential that we maintain our historical resources.

Since Sierra County owns the buildings and park, we’re counting on its help with some costs but we need your help to fund our share and provide volunteer time.  Please consider making a special Museum Maintenance Donation with your membership.

Join or renew your membership with a tax-deductible donation today!  Or give a gift membership to family or friends!

Membership levels:
Individual        $20
Family             $25
Business         $35
Sustaining       $50 or more
Life                 $400

Donations are gratefully accepted.

Please complete the Membership Application and mail to:

Sierra County Historical Society
C/O Scott Mathieson, Membership Chair
P O Box 260, Sierra City, CA 96125        (along with your check)

You may also pay for your membership or donate online.


The Sierra County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization interested in preserving and promoting an appreciation of Sierra County’s rich heritage. Historic buildings and extraordinary landscapes link past and present, providing a rare and unique look into California history. The SCHS operates a museum at the Kentucky Mine Historic Park in Sierra City and presents the Music at the Mine concert series at the Kentucky Mine Amphitheater as its major fundraiser. Our EIN is 23-7015771

Membership confers certain privileges:

  • Free admission to the Kentucky Mine Museum
  • Free admission to the Stamp Mill and Mine tour
  • Invitation to the Annual Meeting typically at historically significant locations throughout the county
  • Option to have The Sierran, our semi-annual newsletter, mailed to your door.

The Historical Society is open to any interested person, business or organization. You need not be a resident of Sierra County. Dues are payable in January for the calendar year. Thank you!

Jan Hamilton, President
Corri Jimenez, Vice President
Michelle Anderson, Treasurer
Suzi Schoensee, Director
Bill Copren, Director
Scott Mathieson, Membership Director
Susan Hopkins, Secretary
Tom Buttes, Director
Christie Brzyscz, Alternate Director
Mary Nourse, Editor of The Sierran and Event Coordinator
Giguette Knochenhauer, Museum Curator
Joanie Engel, The Sierran Copy Editor and Assistant to the Curator
Erin Wallace, Music at the Mine
Gerald Gates, Webmaster