2024 concert tickets are now available.
Scroll down to see the line-up for the 2024 series!
A Hidden Musical Gem
Located just outside of the tiny hamlet known as Sierra City lies the Kentucky Mine and Museum. The county park operated by the Sierra County Historical Society and open to the public, features a museum, stamp mill, portal entrance to the now defunct gold mine, an extensive picnic area and numerous mining artifacts dating back to the days when gold mining was rampant throughout this region of the Sierra Nevada. The park also boasts an amphitheater, carved into the mountainside and surrounded by towering pines and oaks. The amphitheater seats two hundred patrons, has a performance stage and dance floor.
Tickets are available online at Eventbrite (scroll to the bottom of the page) and directly from Erin Wallace or Chris Stockdale. Tickets will also be sold at the gate on the day of the show.
Prices: Adults $30 / Kids 10 and under are FREE!
Season tickets: Contact Erin Wallace @ erin.musicatthemine@gmail.com.
Scroll down to see details for each show!

Everyday Outlaw
with special opening act:
The Danny Horton Trio
Sat. June 29, 2024
Object Heavy Sat. July 27, 2024
Groove Session Sat. August 10, 2024