Sierraville School Historic Register Project

Sierraville School Historic Register Project

The 1931 Sierraville School is one of the most iconic structures in eastern Sierra County.  This year additional donations will contribute to the costs of placing the Sierraville School on the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historical Resources.  We have contracted with an architectural historian to carry the project through to placement on the Registers.  In this effort, we are working with the Sierraville Recreation Assn., SPJUSD and Sierra County.  This designation could open doors to federal and state grants to refurbish and make it a more functional asset for community use.

We need your Sierraville School stories
by Corri Jiminez

Sierraville SchoolI am writing a National Register of Historic Places nomination on the 1931 Sierraville School in Sierraville for the Sierra County Historical Society, and am soliciting for memories and stories on the school for my historical context as well as its significance to the students who attended it over the years. Stories I am looking for can range from classes or courses taught in the classrooms to experiences as to what it was like to go to school with different grades. I am also interested as to what plays may have been held on the stage to games in the gym or out in the yard. The social activities, clubs, meetings, and events that were held in the school would be specially helpful in understanding how significant the school was to the students and county residents. If there are individuals who have memories of the earlier school and its fire, and the building of the 1931 school, that would be greatly helpful too! Any stories and individuals I use in the nomination will be credited and cited appropriately.

The nomination overall will preserve the school’s history in a federal record and will open the building up to possible preservation funding on a state, federal, and local level.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing from you!

Corri Jimenez, M.S.
Architectural Historian/Historic Preservation Consultant
P.O. Box 580, Tahoe City, CA 96145